The Story So far: The Mindful Activist Topic ArchiveAsk me anything. :)What questions does Matt Ready have you?Would you like to visit my Meditation Garden also known as The Philosophers Garden? You can do it virtually or in real life.Enter the Philosophers GardenA metal bench sits next to a tree. A sign says "you may meditate here." The sign also says "Questions?" with an arrow pointing to the right. You can go forward, right, back, sit on the bench or whatever you come up with. What do you do?ForwardYou come to a wooden platform about 4 ft by 4ft. it is level. You see the path curves the the left down the hill past the platform. Up the hill you see a stone gathering space of some sort.Follow the path to the left down the hill.The station has a sign asking do you believe in god, any gods, aliens on earth now, or simulation theory? If yes go left. If no go right. If you are a god go on path 3 down the hill. The sign also asks why are you here? Can we all be friends?I answer the question "why are you here?"

The station has a sign asking do you believe in god, any gods, aliens on earth now, or simulation theory? If yes go left. If no go right. If you are a god go on path 3 down the hill. The sign also asks why are you here? Can we all be friends? (hivelink)

I answer the question why are you here?

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