Jake Barber continues, then we will have intelligent thoughts, things that we have learned, things that FASCINATE us, like PUZZLES. This is our intelligence at PLAY and we can source those.

  1. Jake Barbers says, after a while of calmly and patiently identifying the source of your thoughts in meditation, eventually you begin to notice THOUGHTS THAT YOU CANNOT SOURCE. tid:5270 (1) (hivelink)
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Jake barber lists, food, pro creation, defending myself, those are all thoughts that will probably pop populate our head FROM the limbic portion of our brains.

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Jake Barber then says, in our defensible conscious space created by meditating and observing our own thought stream, we may first identify sever easy to see sources for things like instinctual interests like food

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Jake Barbe then says Once in this defensible space (fascinating choice of words), we can then begin to consider the origin of the thoughts.

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Jake Barber told Jim Garrison, Psionics is the world wide web of our conscious mind field. It may even be a digital medium that our Internet is evolving into or merging with.

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Ubiquity University Psionics Summit 2025 - Coulthart, Jake Barber, ET Studies Masters Students, Matt Readys notes

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Enter Here to understand all the mysteries of the universe including the truth about aliens, reality, happiness, and dancing.

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Enter Philosopher Matts Meditation Garden

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Let Us Be One Family Of Beings Genisis Node

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