Imagine - 100,000 median income humans contribute 1% monthly income to the share pool. The smart contract redistributes an equal share of 80% of the pool to all members, minus those opting out.

  1. Eventually such a system could evolve to benefit the poorest 50% of all humanity once enough members of the wealthiest groups of beings participate and or other income systems are built into the system, such as metaverse land sales and transaction fees. tid:4906 (0) (hivelink)
  2. The goal is to unite humanity, demonstrate a viable decentralized blockchain based income redistribution system for a universal basic income - potentially solving basic needs for the poorest 20% of all humans. tid:4905 (0) (hivelink)
  3. If the daily share can hold over $2 per day, then this will match the income of the poorest 20% of humanity, increasing their income by 100%, creating a strong incentive to join. tid:4904 (0) (hivelink)
  4. The program is marketed to the poorest people on earth with internet access (smart phones probably). The goal is to unite and lift the poorest 20% of humanity. tid:4903 (0) (hivelink)
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Simple Income Redistribution System using Blockchain smart contract - implement usable id system, all voluntarily share x percent income, auto distribute equal shares to all.

(hivelink)no youtube

Funding a Universal Basic Income system for all - list and explain your idea here.

(hivelink)no youtube

What is the best way to design a planetary economic system with a universal basic income?

(hivelink)no youtube

Ask me anything. :) I am listening and will respond within 24 hours. -Matt is Ready

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The Mindful Activist Topic Archive

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