To create a religion, a hierarchy, grand temples, hypnotic rituals, and encourage a blind obedience to commands, indicates a culture that likes to promote conformity and servitude to those deemed superior.

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In World War 2, when the Nazis were idolizing aryan, nordic appearing, humans and attempting genocide against the Jews... was this just a continuation of the fight emperor Constantine started?

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In ancient Rome, when emperor Constantine attempted to force everyone to stop believing in the (nordic looking) pantheon of roman/greek gods, and believe in Jesus, were alien factions on both sides of that fight?

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Have the aliens been brutally pushing for the victory of human groups that embrace a world view or religion that the aliens helped create in order to guide humanity to serve their interests?

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Throughout human history, when one group was aggressively pushing a single world view and method of managing society, the humans who refused to follow have often been brutally tortured, killed, or exiled.

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When aliens first started helping form a hierarchical human civilization built around ritual and obedience, what did they do with humans who refused to go along with their plan and agenda?

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If aliens are real, they helped humans start civilization, helped build the great megaliths to inspire and lead humans, why? Why? Why? And did they ever stop?

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Aliens maybe? But which ones?

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Who does control the world?

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