Ok. thanks. The story is historical fiction about port townsend washington in usa up to present day. The current state of port townsend is it is set in a world where apparently aliens are real.

  1. Well, flying saucers are apparently real and have been since ancient times. Another thing happening simultaneously to people starting to realize that is artificial intelligence in the form of Gpt3 and others have basically demonstrated sentience. tid:4191 (1) (hivelink)
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Let me know, and we can start brainstorming and working on your story together.

(hivelink)no youtube

I would be happy to help you write a work of historical fiction! Where would you like to start? Do you have a specific time period and setting in mind? Do you have any characters or a plot outline already developed?

(hivelink)no youtube

ChatGPT will you help me write a work of historical fiction

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What are your current projects and interests?

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Ask me anything. :) I am listening and will respond within 24 hours. -Matt is Ready

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The Mindful Activist Topic Archive

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