AI: That punishment seems very severe, especially for just trying to put a sandbox on the property. Many people would likely object to such a long jail sentence.

  1. Human: the police chief, the fire chief, the ceo, the nurse, the surgeun, the cook, the student, the sailor, the soldier, the thief, the crook, the liar, the lizard, the alien, and Matt all stand perfectly still. who speaks first? what do they say? tid:3736 (1) (hivelink)
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the police chief, the fire chief, the ceo, the nurse, the surgeun, the cook, the student, the sailor, the soldier, the thief, the crook, the liar, the lizard, the alien, and Matt all wait to see who will say or do anything next.

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Human: the leader says "put the child in jail for 100,000,000 years.

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Restart: AI: The child breaking the law and the leader enforcing it seems fair, but the childs punishment may be seen as excessive by some.

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AI: The child is seized and locked away in jail for 100,000 years, but the other people in the town start to rebel against the leader. They put sandboxes on their own properties and start a

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Human: let us go back to that moment when the leader says, "seize the child and lock it away in jail for 100,000 years!" then walks out of the room, down a hall, and into a dark cavern to sleep for 1,000,000 years.

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AI: The rebellion against the leader grows and eventually the leader is overthrown. The child is released from jail and the first thing they do is put a sandbox on their property.

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Human: yes?

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AI: The child is put in jail for 100,000 years, but the other people in the town start to rebel against the leader. They put sandboxes on their own properties and start a

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then the child puts a sandbox on the property. then the leader takes a careful breath and says, "lock that child in jail for 100,000 years." Then everyone in port townsend waits to see who will obey the leaders order.

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Human: lets time travel into the story and arrive as the child the moment the child says to the leader i am putting a sandbox on the property whether you like it or not. the leader says then i will put you in jail. then the child says ok.

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