AI: The child could try to find a loophole in the law or talk to other people in the town to get their opinion on the matter.

  1. Human: lets assume all the other people in the town are robotic zombies that are useless in this matter. What should the child say to the town leader? tid:3675 (1) (hivelink)
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Human: lets assume there are no other town leaders. what might the child say next to the town leader?

(hivelink)no youtube

AI: The child could try to find a loophole in the law or talk to other town leaders to get their opinion on the matter.

(hivelink)no youtube

Human: If we assume the law is exactly what the town leader says, what should the child say next?

(hivelink)no youtube

AI: The child could try to find a loophole in the law or talk to other town leaders to get their opinion on the matter.

(hivelink)no youtube

Human: lets take up the story from the point where the town leader says "The law says all uses not mentioned are forbidden. Meeting Facilities are forbidden. Sandboxes are not mentioned therefore they are forbidden."

(hivelink)no youtube

AI: Im sorry, I thought you were asking for my opinion on what should happen next.

(hivelink)no youtube

Human: hey i didnt ask you to say what happens next. why did you do that? i am just curious.

(hivelink)no youtube

AI: The town leader lists a few uses for the property, but the child is not satisfied. The child points out that the law does not specifically mention sandboxes, so they should be allowed.

(hivelink)no youtube

Human: the child asks for the leader to list all non prohibited uses for the property, so they can put up a sign. Since the law says all unnamed uses are automatically prohibited, the child does not argue that point.

(hivelink)no youtube

AI: There might be some uses for the property that are not mentioned in the law, so the child could ask the town leader what those uses are. The child could also point out that the law does not specifically mention sandboxes, so they should be allowed.

(hivelink)no youtube