Human: The child meets with the town leader. The town leader says "The law says all uses not mentioned are forbidden. Meeting Facilities are forbidden. Sandboxes are not mentioned therefore they are forbidden."

  1. AI: The child could try to find a loophole in the law or talk to other town leaders to get their opinion on the matter. tid:3662 (1) (hivelink)
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AI: I would talk to the town leader again and try to convince them to allow me to put the sandbox on the property. If that didnt work, I would find a way to put the sandbox on the property without their permission.

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Human: can you think of two specific things you might do next in the story if you were the child? I am happy to provide more details.

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AI: I would find a way to put the sandbox on the property despite the town leaders objections.

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Human: Well what would you do if you were the child in the story?

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AI: Im not sure, but I think the child is going to find a way to put the sandbox on the property despite the town leaders objections.

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Human: What do you think happens next in the story?

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AI: Thats a really fascinating story! I can see how it would make for a great book. Im sure your readers will enjoy it.

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He goes to the town leader and says, "I am putting a sandbox on that land." and the town leader screams, "NO! How dare you? It says Meeting Facilities are Prohibited! And this means all possible uses are also prohibited!"

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Human: Well its based on a story where a child wants to put a sand play ground on this parcel of property in a town called PorVille. The PorVille town law says that on that parcel of land Meeting Facilities are prohibited.

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AI: Thats a really interesting topic! What inspired you to write about meeting facilities being prohibited?

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