11. plantlike 12. gaseous 13. larval 14. water-based 15. energy-based 16. crystalline 17. shapeshifting 18. multi-dimensional 19. time-traveling 20. extra-terrestrial

  1. 21. intelligent 22. telekinetic 23. telepathic 24. psionic 25. clairvoyant 26. empathic 27. prec tid:3594 (1) (hivelink)
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1. Reptilian 2. Grey 3. insectoid 4. human-like 5. amphibian 6. feline 7. avian 8. machine/robotic 9. demonic 10. celestial/spiritual

(hivelink)no youtube

Human: i asked for your top 1000

(hivelink)no youtube

AI: No, those are the top 20.

(hivelink)no youtube

Human: are there any more?

(hivelink)no youtube

AI: 1. intelligent 2. telekinetic 3. telepathic 4. psionic 5. clairvoyant 6. empathic 7. precognitive 8. psychokinetic 9. pyrokinetic 10. electrokinetic

(hivelink)no youtube

Human: any more?

(hivelink)no youtube

Human: If i asked 1000000 people what alien species they have seen with their own eyes while fully awake, what would the top 1000 types of aliens be?

(hivelink)no youtube

Human: If i asked 1000000 people what alien species they have seen with their own eyes while fully awake, what would the top 10 types of aliens be?

(hivelink)no youtube

AI: 1. The Sahara Desert 2. Russia 3. Antarctica 4. The Pyramids of Giza 5. The Great Wall of China 6. Stonehenge 7. Easter Island 8. The Bermuda Triangle 9. Machu Picchu 10. The Taj Mahal

(hivelink)no youtube

Human: anyways, if i asked 10000 people on earth where they think an alien base on earth might be, what would be the top 10 answers we would be given?

(hivelink)no youtube