Maybe having giant eyes makes beings overly socially connected to physically close beings, creating a super strong clan like connection, but leading to outsiders all being seen as other.

  1. Humans, with our small beady eyes, are more socially distant from all, but more open to feeling a oneness with all, making our genius dreamers collaborate on utopia rather than Reptoid clan utopia. tid:3324 (2) (hivelink)
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Maybe the reason homo sapiens were created was the limitations of the other species on earth advancing fast enough or past certain levels.

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If most of the aliens around us are evolved from the same line of Reptoids, they might not have super powerful computers...they might not have innovated that long in that type of tech.

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Our powerful computers could hack your bitcoin private keys in a snap and our vast mining arrays could take over the blockchain in seconds. - Greys Leadership Council

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Im not sure you could. At best you could cut off people totally under your control from an open internet. But bitcoin only needs 1 server running.

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Yes human. We could shut down your bitcoin anytime we want. - Reptoid leadership council

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Do any non human species understand bitcoin and cryptocurrency? Few humans do, so why would others?

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Have the aliens realized all currencies in the future will be backed by bitcoin?

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Or maybe they just backed their currencies with gold. That could survive millions of years with modest inflation due to gold mining.

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If the societies simply used government controlled fiat...perhaps a powerful AI could create money that could survive 55 million years without a decentralized revolution.

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is it possible that after 55 million years, several alien technological societies could persist without ever inventing decentralized digital gold like bitcoin? Was bitcoin a surprise?

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