Please do not land with radiation damaging type of ships.

  1. Please land with your landing bay doors open towards the portion of earth that you feel most aligned and friends with. South splits Art and Meditation. east south east splits dance and port townsend, tid:3299 (3) (hivelink)
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Ok. I am waiting. Please land spacecraft.

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Hey Matt Ready, pick up your off world ride at Ready Athletics field or whenever convenient.

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And if you want anyone of us to leave earth, you will just say something like, Hey Matt Ready, we want you off our planet, and then you will give me a spacecraft to fly somewhere peacefully.

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Utopia. A world where all beings share this 3 dimensional spheroid Earth as it flies through time.

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Please describe your purpose for entering this place? What do you want? What is your goal for all of us?

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Board Games like Solaria, Dungeuns and Dragons, Utopia42, Solaria, Reptoid Monopoly, Reptoid 3d Risk with underground cities and tunnels

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Dancing Alien Art and Atheletics

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Why is there an observer effect in the double slit experiment? (The quantum measurement problem)

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