The tools of brute force and violence are:

  1. Sound. The volume of your voice is the first means of violence used all around us in the sea of life. tid:3214 (1) (hivelink)
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The greatest power on earth controls the power of life and death through the control of resources needed for life or by controlling the tools of brute force and violence.

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When humans become adults, they begin to compete for power. The systems we have created offer no alternative but competition.

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Yet, one of the most important and inevitable lessons children eventually learn is that life is not fair, and the belief its fairness and justice will be maintained by the powerful is a myth.

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I think many children begin life thinking they live in such a world, a world where the most powerful beings (your gaurdians) are continuously enforching fairness and justice...

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To imagine a world in which all beings have a reasonable level of power, that balances the ideal of equality with the ideal of privacy and generous personal boundaries and autonomy is difficult...

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Perhaps all humans are born initially into a hierarchy and therefore hierarchy is trained into us from the beginning.

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I saw my mother and father as the two most powerful beings. My siblings as a mixed bag. My neighbors as curiosities. My peers as rivals and friends and potentials. Older children as a source of great danger and excitement. Aliens as something only in

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Born into a power hierarchy involving parents, siblings, and others we later discover are virtually powerless beyond the walls of our home.

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What are ideas for upcoming episodes of The Mindful Activist?

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Ask me anything. :) I am listening and will respond within 24 hours. -Matt is Ready

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