The report also stated that "UAP probably lack a single explanation", and proposed five possible categories of explanation: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, US government or industry development technology, foreign craft, and an "Other" ca

  1. and an "Other" category.[57] The report raised concerns that the UAPs could be a safety issue, with regard to a possible collision with US aircraft, and that they could pose a security threat if they were foreign craft gathering information about the US. tid:2932 (1) (hivelink)
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The report indicated that, in most cases, the UAP recordings probably were of physical objects, and not false readings, as individual instances had been detected by different sensor mechanisms, including visual observation.

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or observer misperception, and require additional rigorous analysis.

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breaking the sound barrier without producing a sonic boom,[52] high maneuverability not able to be replicated otherwise,[53] long duration flight,[54] and an ability to submerge into the water.

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The report came to no conclusion about what the UAPs were, based on a lack of evidence,[50] though in a limited number of incidents, UAP reportedly appeared to exhibit unusual flight characteristics, including high velocity,[51] breaking the sound barrier

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largely centering on evidence gathered in the last 20 years from US Navy reports.

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June 2021 UFO report Main article: UFO Report (U.S. Intelligence) On June 25, 2021, the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a preliminary report on UAPs,[49] largely centering on evidence gathered in the last 20 years from U

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... human observational and interpretive error, and, as is typical in the context of such incidents, extraordinary speculations of alien spacecraft.[3]

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Publicity surrounding the videos has prompted a number of explanations, including drones or unidentified terrestrial aircraft, anomalous or artefactual instrument readings, physical observational phenomena (e.g., parallax), human observational and interpr

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The Pentagon later addressed and officially released the first three videos in 2020,[1] and confirmed the provenance of the leaked 2019 videos in two statements made in 2021.[2]

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... Roosevelt in 2004, 2014 and 2015, with additional footage taken by other Navy personnel in 2019. The four grainy, monochromic videos, widely characterized as officially documenting UFOs, were the subject of extensive coverage in the media since 2017.

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