By what right do your people control the land and property they currently control? When and how did they gain this right?

  1. For the vast majority of human history men have known employees, women, and children as property for them to do with whatever they wish. tid:2806 (1) (hivelink)
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What if every action on earth is recorded and ultimately reviewed by yourself, your ancestors, the people of group 2, and permanently archived for all time for anyone to revisit? Does group 1 benefit?

(hivelink)no youtube

If everyone agrees to ignore the immoral actions of group 1, not mention the actions, pretend group 1 is morally good and noble, then does group 1 benefit from their ignoble actions?

(hivelink)no youtube

If group 1 commits selfish, violent, non compassionate actions to forcibly take x from group 2, does group 1 win?

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Group 1 wants x. Group 2 occupies x. Group 1 has the power of violence, force, or the rule of law to force group 2 to surrender x. Group 1 forces group 2 to unoccupy x. Which power was superior?

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What is more powerful: violence or morality?

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Who gets an antigravity ship and gets to explore planets like earth? Who decides when to negotiate treaties? Who decides when to reveal what to whom? Who gets to speak first? Who gets to speak the longest?

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How do alien civilizations solve this problem? How do they make collective decisions? How do they decide hierarchy? Do they use hierarchy or have they perfected an alternative?

(hivelink)no youtube

If everyone wants to own and control a limited number of unique resources because they believe it essential for their happiness, how should a good society resolve this situation?

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Do you want to share your ideas about happiness and how we all might collaborate to nurture greater happiness in this universe?

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