900 Port Townsend residents sit in their homes pretending to be unaware of what is happening.

  1. one person decides to intercede tid:1596 (1) (hivelink)
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The Port Townsend city council, police chief, fire chief, and others are all gathered in observation of the village evacuation.

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2 soldiers from Fort Townsend meet a group of Port townsend locals near the native American village near current day memorial field.

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Fort Townsend commander sends word to the Port townsend city council that the native american village will be relocated on xx date.

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Fort Townsend receives the order to relocate all port townsend indigenous people

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the president issues an order to remove the indigenous people from port townsend

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the letter is sent by pony express to the president

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the town council votes on a letter to the president of the united states and us congress asking for the native american village be removed.

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day 1

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Port Townsend 1871

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Role Playing Scenarios to use in Hive1 RPG platform

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