3d node features

  1. when a visitor goes through vr into one of the 12 pathways, the ground is colored to match that users color and pathway. this is done for the first 1000 visitors to every node..or it is done forever.. or after every crossover, the ground image is overwri tid:1507 (0) (hivelink)
  2. Each node has 13 color fields in its table entry. The field is either on or off. purple on or off for example tid:1506 (0) (hivelink)
  3. if a visitor clicks to enter one of the signs, the pathways table or other system records that users first click of that table. If the user already clicked that table once, then the counter on the table counts up one for that users visits. tid:1505 (0) (hivelink)
  4. Each node is a chamber with 12 exit signs. Each sign contains one of up to the top 12 answers to the focus of the present node. tid:1504 (0) (hivelink)
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Each node of the multiverse is a vortex. Each node could be represented by a node on hive1.net.

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Perfect mechanical faciliation

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Name of this project Contest

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12 blockchain utopian vortex live stream of consciousness

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Global Utopia

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Big Goals Reverse Planning Threads

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