Of course, if you are facing a predator or a time attention hog in a virtual world, you can usually easily just exit the situation and possibly never encounter that being again. Fascinating how much safer that situation is...unless you also know the bein

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A strong "No!" with a relentless gaze, and a willingness to fight, will open up a pathway for exiting the situation without violence or else it wont and you need to get ready to fight.

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You need to know these things, because predators will have the exact same list of resources in their minds. You should with practice be able to spot a predators efforts to separate you from these resources- the most powerful being your friends and allies

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If you do decide to trust someone alone in a space, then you must know what your plan V options are at all times. What weapons are nearby? What escape routes? Do you have a panic button on your phone, watch, or smart glasses?

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Do not put yourself into a situation alone with a superior force if you have any reason to believe this force may turn on you.

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Plan V when you are under attack by a weaker force, is to simply use force to mollify the attackers. Plan V when you are under attack by an obviously superior force is to immediately strike a debilitating attack to the powers weakest point.

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there is always a chance, the predator decided long ago they were taking you down at all costs. If thats the case, you need to be ready with plan V.

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The moment after you yell "No!" (and feel free to add their name into the statement for further power, such as "____ No!"), you must watch to see if the predator is retreating or escalating their attack. You must watch very carefully, because their is a

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You also must look into the eyes of a predator when you take your stand, because you have to very carefully watch the predators next move. For the predator has two basic options: Retreat or escalate the attack.

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The eyes are the window to the soul and if a predator has their eyes set on you, then you must turn your soul to meet them head on when you decide it is time to take your stand.

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Every predator knows how to stop on a dime and change course. So if you loudly, as loud as you can, yell "NO!" you will get their full attention. But here is the hard part. You must look them in the eyes.

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