Every predator lives a cycle of take take take STOP! take take take STOP! take take take STOP!

  1. Every predator knows how to stop on a dime and change course. So if you loudly, as loud as you can, yell "NO!" you will get their full attention. But here is the hard part. You must look them in the eyes. tid:1110 (1) (hivelink)
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depends upon it.

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Yelling "No!" or "Stop!" and waiting triggers a primal bit of programming code inside the mind of a predator. Everything up and to that moment no longer matters, the command "No!" must be immediately and carefully evaluated- for the predators life depend

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If you are short on time, you can escalate your communication to a very loud sharp brief "No!" After expressing this, wait for 15 seconds.

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You can first say this gently, slowly building your firmness until whatever slug minded being you are speaking to remembers that they are not god and do not have the right to whatever they want from you ever.

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You always, at every single moment of your conscious existence, have the absolute right, if not duty, to tell a person to shut the fuck up and stop if they attempt to insert themselves into your mind or body.

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So any person speaking to you is by definition attempting to insert their narrative of truth into your mind stream.

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Human beings whether alone or in groups are powerful manipulators of space and time. We only know space and time through our descriptions of it, through our stories, our narratives.

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If you can quickly simply recognize what the person pressuring you to stay in the present moment wants, be it your body or your mind or something else, you can then decide whether or not to give it to them.

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Predators, naturally and is to be fully expected, use this common tendency of people to fulfill selfish ends. You have something they want, so they dont want you to leave the present moment without giving it to them.

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I believe the root of much anger and hatred in the world is merely the lack of the feeling of freedom to end a moment when you want to end it. We feel we lack the right to immediate social suicide to no be a part of what is happening here right now. Pred

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