Matt Ready, locally elected public hospital commissioner, activist, artist, philosopher, amateur ufologist, cohost of The Beyond Humanity Podcast. I trust him cause its me. (hivelink)

I Matt Ready swear I do NOT pledge allegiance to any alien groups or secret organizations or authorities. I swear to follow my oath of office honestly and transparently. Make my peers do this immediately. All of them.

  1. What human institutions have been systematically involved in hiding the truth about human history, origin, dna, science, chemistry, physics, ai, aliens, truth, medicine, weapons, energy, propulsion, etc? tid:4559 (0) (hivelink)
  2. Who represents the aliens? do they have a democracy? Do they have a monarchy? Do they have a plausible explanation for their actions throughout human history? tid:4558 (0) (hivelink)
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