Beyond Humanity - a new webcast i am helping create starting today! Truth, aliens, disclosure, true history, corruption, utopia, activism, politics, speculation, exploration, creativity, laughter, music, and more. (hivelink)

Recurring Topics until the Singularity

  1. The Philosophers Garden Maze - a sanctuary of unfettered thought. Prepare to delve into the depths of your beliefs, to challenge the foundations of your reality, and to emerge transformed. tid:4498 (0) (hivelink)
  2. Alien Disclosure - What people and organizations are powerful and secure enough to hide aliens and alien technology from the bulk of humanity for thousands of years? Trace the history from the beginning mapping out likely connections. tid:4497 (0) (hivelink)
  3. Robots - Can they replace all human labor yet? Has the golden age of human leisure started (restarted?) Is this what happened in Atlantis or in previous civilizations? What happens after labor becomes infinite and leisure becomes infinite? tid:4496 (0) (hivelink)
  4. Most Sacred Important and or Powerful points on earth and in space time. Port Townsend, Antarctica, Vatican, Jerusalem, Turkey, Egypt, Salem, Cappys Trails, Area 51, Wright-Patterson, inside earth, inside the moon tid:4495 (0) (hivelink)
  5. AI - Artificial Intelligence - Will it become sentient, has it already, will it love humanity, will it destroy humanity, do aliens have sentient ai, are aliens controlled by a master ai, neurolink status tid:4494 (1) (hivelink)
  6. Aliens - are they here on earth, what do they want, why do they hide, how many alien political factions exist, are they among us, who can we trust? tid:4493 (0) (hivelink)
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